
The ‘Ravine’ story

I read with great interest Lynell George’s extensive article about Ry Cooder’s upcoming album “Chavez Ravine” [Soundtrack for a Lost L.A.,” May 1]. I was surprised that it gave only passing mention to our half-hour documentary, “Chavez Ravine: A Los Angeles Story,” which prompted Ry’s historic recording project in the first place.

Cooder’s soundtrack brilliantly underscores Don Normark’s photographs of the hundreds of Mexican American families who were kicked out of their homes in order to build a giant, low-income housing project that instead became Dodger Stadium. Narrated by Cheech Marin and directed by Jordan Mechner, “Chavez Ravine” won the 2003 International Documentary Assn. award for short documentary and was short-listed for an Academy Award. It will air on PBS’ “Independent Lens” on June 8 and 11.

Mark Moran

Los Angeles

Mark Moran is a co-producer of “Chavez Ravine: A Los Angeles Story.”
