
Scott Eastwood: Ashton Kutcher cheated on Demi Moore with my girlfriend

Scott Eastwood says Ashton Kutcher cheated on Demi Moore with a woman who was, at the time, his girlfriend.
Scott Eastwood says Ashton Kutcher cheated on Demi Moore with a woman who was, at the time, his girlfriend.
(Carolyn Cole / Los Angeles Times)

Scott Eastwood just dropped a gossip bomb into the rubble that was left after Ashton Kutcher’s divorce from Demi Moore: One of the women in the naked San Diego hot-tub romp that ended that high-profile marriage was, at the time of the romping, Eastwood’s girlfriend.

And this came to light how?

(If anyone doubts Hollywood is a small town, keep reading.)

See, back in the day, Jon Cryer, who until now had nothing to do with Eastwood, dated Moore, who was later married to Kutcher, who joined “Two and a Half Men” after the departure of Charlie Sheen.

And Thursday on “Watch What Happens Live,” a viewer called in to quiz Cryer -- who has a memoir out -- about whether it was awkward when he first met Kutcher, given that they’d both been intimate with Moore. His answer: yes, awkward, but they kept it clean and got past it quickly.


“If it makes you feel any better, he did sleep with one of my ex-girlfriends,” offered Eastwood -- who has a movie out -- from the seat next to Cryer’s on the Bravo show.

“Great!” Cryer said.

“But,” Eastwood added, “she was my current girlfriend at the time.”

Taken aback, host Andy Cohen asked Eastwood how he found out.

“Well,” he replied, “it was, I think, the catalyst that broke him and Demi up.”

At that point, mental bells began ringing, and they sounded like they were echoing from somewhere in October 2011.

“Was it the girl in San Diego?” Cohen asked.

“Yeah, it was her and her friends,” Eastwood said. “Remember those? My buddy and I dated those two girls.”


Oh, yeah, we remember the weekend in San Diego.

The 29-year-old did keep it classy, staying ambiguous about whether his late-2011 girlfriend was Sara Leal, the one who spoke to Us Weekly and said the Kutcher fling was her first-ever one-night stand, or the second woman who took part in the naked hot-tub party.

Those who might feel sorry for the star of “The Longest Ride” can probably make him feel better by going to see that Nicholas Sparks movie, which just hit theaters.


And for those who are keeping track: Scott Eastwood is, of course, the son of Clint Eastwood, who starred in and directed 1990’s “The Rookie,” which costarred Sheen, whose brother is Emilio Estevez, who was once engaged to Demi Moore, which brings us back full circle to Jon Cryer, who used to be on this show with Ashton Kutcher ...

You get the picture.

Follow Christie D’Zurilla on Twitter @theCDZ and Google+. Follow the Ministry of Gossip on Twitter @LATcelebs.
