Jerrold E. Lomax landmark in Glendale

The Glendale home of Aida and Vahe Yeghiazarian looks like a concrete fortress from the front: blank, angular and windowless. But the design by Jerrold E. Lomax opens up dramatically in back, shown here, with an upstairs bedroom overlooking the pool and banks of glass connecting the inside to the outdoors. The Yeghiazarians worked to honor the architect’s original concept without sacrificing their own personal tastes. (Stefano Paltera / For The Times)
The home of Aida and Vahe Yeghiazarian looks like a concrete fortress from the front: blank, angular and windowless. But the design by Jerrold E. Lomax opens up dramatically in back, with banks of glass looking out to amazing views.

Inside the home, floor-to-ceiling panels of glass are a vision of precision. The Yeghiazarians say they have always loved the house, but their appreciation for the design has continued to grow since they bought the property in 2000. “I study the lines of it, the perfection of how it’s put together,” Vahe says. (Stefano Paltera / For The Times)

The Yeghiazarians, who are of Armenian descent, wanted to incorporate art in their interiors that reflected their heritage. Here, a bronze bust by Zadik Zadikian. (Stefano Paltera / For The Times)

A mirror reflects the city view from a bathroom. (Stefano Paltera / For The Times)

Aida Yeghiazarian greets her brother, Sam Manoukian. The glass entrance to the house lies beyond Manoukian. When visitors come in, stairs lead in two directions: down toward the dining room, kitchen and living areas, and up toward the bedrooms. Glass panels open out onto patios, and a glass ceiling lets in additional light. (Stefano Paltera / For The Times)

An Aluminum artwork by Greek artist Yorgos Kypris shimmers in the dining area. (Stefano Paltera / For The Times)

The view from the entry hall: Beyond the dining area lies a fireplace and sunken living room that looks south over the city. Stairs lead up toward a home office and bedrooms beyond. The house’s original owner, Chuck Rice, says all the steel finishes were completed by workers who usually refinish pricey sports cars. “The exposed steel of the house is as smooth as your piano,” he says. (Stefano Paltera / For The Times)

Aida Yeghiazarian and daughter Anie set a table set off from the kitchen. A second sunken living area, with another fireplace and more Italian seating, takes advantage of the prime view. (Stefano Paltera / For The Times)

The Los Angeles basin opens up through the floor to ceiling glass. (Stefano Paltera / For The Times)

Hollywood Hills? No, Glendale. (Stefano Paltera / For The Times)