Letters to the Editor: Streets aren’t cleaned but we still get parking tickets. How is this allowed?

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To the editor: Since the pandemic, streets in my neighborhood are no longer swept every week. Instead they are swept twice per month, on a regular schedule made available to residents, which is fine. (“These are the parts of L.A. that get the most parking tickets. Our guide to avoiding them,” Sept. 2)
However, according to a Los Angeles 311 operator I spoke to recently, we can still get a ticket if we are parked on the wrong side of the street during the posted street-cleaning time, even if no cleaning is scheduled that week.
When I asked why tickets would be written if there’s no true violation, I was told that two different city departments are involved: The Bureau of Street Services cleans, and the Department of Transportation enforces parking rules.
So they cannot coordinate their schedules and assure us that no wrongly issued tickets will be written. Really?
Please ask why the city’s Department of Transportation does not coordinate with the city’s Bureau of Street Services to avoid giving tickets to residents who are not blocking sweepers.
Sally Richman, Los Angeles
To the editor: I knew a fellow who told me he’d run up in excess of $10,000 in parking tickets. When they caught up with him, he said he settled it all for about $3,000.
He was a lawyer and could have easily paid it all. I am still outraged.
Paul Malykont, Los Osos