
Readers React: UC Irvine flag ban exposes today’s flawed education

To the editor: Banning the U.S. flag from a campus building is easy, but organizing and educating communities for positive change and voting in every election require strength. (“Ban on American flag at UC Irvine reversed,” March 8)

The UC Irvine student government wanted to express its disapproval of U.S. policies by voting to ban the display of all flags, including the American flag, from its offices’ lobby area, a decision that was later vetoed by higher-ranking executives. This is a sign that indoctrination might be replacing education in this country.

We are not graduating students who leave school as eager idealists who want to take on the challenges facing their generation. Rather, students are leaving schools as ideologues with a profound lack of critical thinking skills and a dislike of this country.


These students didn’t learn enough in school. They should demand their money back

Chamba Sanchez, Silver Lake


To the editor: So Matthew Guevara, the UC Irvine student who wrote the resolution on flying national flags, and his politically correct colleagues are offended by American colonialism and imperialism.

I wonder if they are so offended as to reject any and all financial assistance that they currently enjoy from a government with such a loathsome history.

Raymon Riordan, Arcadia

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