
Bruce A. Aird of Lake Forest went...

Bruce A. Aird of Lake Forest went birding at Heisler Park and

Crescent Bay overlook on Labor Day, and thought these might be of

some interest to you in that context.

Heisler Park:

Western and Heermann’s Gulls, Double-crested Cormorant, 15-20

Brown Pelicans, 2 Black Turnstones, 2 Wandering Tattlers

Crescent Bay:

20-30 Brandt’s Cormorants, 5-10 Brown Pelicans, 20-30 Black-vented

Shearwaters, 7-9 Black-bellied Plovers, 1 Whimbrel, 2 Marbled

Godwits, 3 Black Turnstones, 1 Ruddy Turnstone, 12 Willets, Allen’s

and Anna’s Hummingbirds plus the usual assortment of California Sea

Lions and a pod of between 30 and 50 Common Dolphins -- pretty cool!

None of these, with the possible exception of the dolphins, is

particularly unusual for this time or locale, although the Wandering

Tattlers were the first I’ve seen this fall.

* BRUCE A. AIRD is a member of Sea and Sage Audubon, and I have

been birding in Orange County and around southern California for

about eight years.

The Coastline Pilot is seeking bird sightings from novice and

veteran birders. Let us know about your bird sightings each week.

Write us at P.O. Box 248, Laguna Beach, CA, 92652, e-mail us at

[email protected] or fax us at (949) 494-8979. Give your

name, city of residence, the description of the bird and when it was

spotted. Following is a list of some of the birds that can be found

in the Laguna area.
