
New fashions in the classroom

Suzie Harrison

To determine the highest quality of a diamond there are the four Cs

-- clarity, color, cut and carat, however not every measure of

quality is as clear. To determine what is best for going back to

school and fall fashions does involve the application of Cs, but only

by three -- cool, cooler and coolest.

Ryan Raffo, 11, is not of the follower mentality; rather he thinks

each person should find their own style.

“When you’re getting clothes, get your style -- try stuff on, get

what you want,” Ryan said. “You don’t want to try it for popularity.”

Some of his favorite brands are Hobie, Quiksilver, Hurley and

Volcom and he said that some of the necessities to shop for include a

watch, T-shirts, blue jeans, shorts and a backpack.

Last year many lines came out with rolling backpacks, which are

popular this year again, as well as some other bigger packs with a

color wheel of hues and even a camouflage style by Osiris.

“Electric came out with some new cool sunglasses,” Ryan said. “It

depends on your personality. If you like to be dressed up and show

off there are plenty of new styles out. It’s just whatever you like.”

Mark Christy, owner of Hobie Surf, explained what trends youth

were adhering to.

“Quik [Quiksilver] is always cool,” Christy said. “We watch for

the up and comers -- the garage band equivalent of surf brands.”

He said to make no mistake that Volcom is still the “Holy Grail”

with the kids.

“Hurley, Billabong and Hobie are popular,” Christy said. “But

Volcom is kids’ numero uno. And Tony Hawk for, god, anyone who has

ever ridden a skateboard.”

Brown is the new black. He said brown and everything retro is

still in.

“All the stuff I wore to junior high 30 years ago is in,” Christy

said. “It’s the exact same as today, same prints at cuts. It’s all

fresh and new to these kids.”

Jackson, 11, Christy’s son, is of fashion knowledge and decided to

put in his two-cents-worth on the subject.

“The cool things are my camo backpack, Hobie shorts, they are

breathable and baggy, so you can put water bottles in your pockets,”

Jackson said. “Hawaiian style shirts are cool, flip-flops are good

and so are colorful glasses like Hoven,” Jackson said.

Other necessities he said include his cell phone; surf stickers

for his notebooks, a pukka shell necklace to wear on occasion -- and

for show and tell he prefers to bring a surfboard to class.

In fashion, he named some additional items he deems important.

“Hawaiian style shirts are cool,” Jackson said. “Rip Curl of

Freestyle watches are sweet.”

For more basic needs, he said he likes to have a hip key chain.

Surf brands are heavy in the scene for backpacks because in

addition to fashion they add the high function factor.

“Surf brands are doing really well, “ Christy said. “These

backpacks could survive the Normandy invasion.”

He said that surf brands are used to making durable goods and

that’s why he thinks that surf wear is no longer cyclical, that it is

now accepted as outdoor wear that’s cool and edgy. He added that some

of the places in town to find this gear include Thalia Street Surf

Shop, Second Reef and Quiksilver.

Courtney Rickerl, Hobie store manager gave a little tour of what

was in.

“For girls it’s the Vestal, it’s like the leather bracelet style

kind of watch, it’s really hot,” Rickerl said. “It comes in black,

red, brown, and pink.”

For girls garb, Roxy is big, there’s been a huge hype around

surfer girls as the trend continues to climb.

“We have a new brand Gidget, which has a whole bunch of specialty

tee’s,” Rickerl said. “Sanctuary has cropped, drawstring pants that

are for all ages. It’s a nice classy style.”

Other popular labels for girls besides Roxy are Volcom and Rip


“Roxy has a great corduroy jacket with a [faux] fur collar,”

Rickerl said. “Rip curl is going for the more feminine surfer chick

with flower embroidery on their skirts and shorts and they have more

feminine styles.”

Denim is still really strong for boys and so are the thin cords.

Flannels are really big, for boys with everything long sleeved.

The truck driveresque mesh hats are a hit for both genders. She

said that within a month they started out with 200 and sold them out


“For girls skirts are really strong, about knee length,” Rickerl

said. “But the mini skirt is really, really big too.”

When it comes to fashion it seems like Laguna Beach continues

riding the wave of popular trends, offering the student what it takes

to be themselves or whoever they want to be.
