Newport water-quality rules stoke confusion
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June Casagrande
Shortly after the city set up a new division to educate people about
new water-quality rules, city staff are hearing rumors that people
hosing down their docks and boats are being approached by officials
warning them that they can no longer let that water run into the bay.
The strange thing is, it’s not the city who’s approaching them.
Neither is it the Harbor Patrol.
“It’s kind of an interesting little mystery,” Assistant City
Manager Dave Kiff said. “We can’t quite figure out who’s been talking
to people ... Our code enforcement people don’t go on the water. They
stay on the inland side of the bulkhead.”
Adding to the irony of the situation is the fact that,
technically, the new water quality rules don’t apply to people
washing docks or boats. The new rules are attached to the city’s
storm drain permit and contain strict controls on pollutants entering
the ocean or bay via storm drains. Under the rules, a shopkeeper can
no longer hose down the sidewalk in front of his business unless he
captures the water before it gets into the storm drain. But because
water running off docks and boats goes straight into the harbor, the
storm drain rules don’t apply. State law designates the harbor as “no
discharge,” which means that no wastewater can be put into the
harbor. But unlike the storm drain rules, this is nothing new.
City staff have contacted state water quality officials for some
guidance on the rules. The solution is to employ “best management
practices,” which are good-faith, common-sense efforts to keep
pollutants and waste wastewater out of the harbor.
To help clear up the matter for residents, city staff plan to send
letters in the next two weeks to everyone who owns a dock or mooring
in the harbor explaining steps boat and dock owners should take to
preserve water quality.
“A lot of people use Joy soap to clean their boats because it’s
really gentle, but it has a degreaser, and that [harms] fish in the
water, so Joy is not acceptable to clean boats or docks,” said
Councilman Tod Ridgeway, who serves on the city’s water quality
committee and who also is a boater.
The letter will offer some practical alternatives: Baking soda or
salt to scrub floors and decks; white vinegar mixed with fresh water
to clean floors and windows; cider vinegar mixed with baby oil to
polish chrome; and hydrogen peroxide in place of bleach as a
whitening agent. The letter will also suggest using small amounts of
water when washing down boats and docks and using mops and sponges to
pick up the water whenever possible.
* JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Newport Beach and John Wayne Airport. She
may be reached at (949) 574-4232 or by e-mail at
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