
Making Creativity Stew, even when everything seems sour


The bubbling of the wintry stew on the stove mimics the churning of

massive clouds as they build up just offshore. A storm is coming.

Waiting. Anticipating. Turning from the vista, I take up my knife,

slice a stalk of celery ... maybe this fresh rosemary ... I crush it

and add it to the mix along with the celery. A taste. More cayenne.

No recipe; just making things up. We’ll see. Let it cook for a while.

How like my own cooking style the whole process of creating seems to

be ...


Take one dream or desire -- stir until a clear vision is formed

Add 5 tablespoons of current reality

Next, take one action (this action may or may not work; have

others on hand)

Add a dash of adjustments

Then add a splash of learning

Toss in one teaspoon evaluation

Add two more dashes of adjustments

Stir the above until momentum is achieved

Cook at level of desire until energy is formed and rises

Best served hot. Will serve one or more.

This recipe is a creative solution for what ails you, whether a

creative block, critique, or a life blind-sided by outside


The first item thrown into the stew is the dream, the desire. This

is a mighty stimulant and, as Thoreau said, dreams are the

touchstones of our character. Whatever our ultimate reach, the place

of desire is where we begin “cooking it up.” One must form, develop

or concoct some idea of an end result that is wanted. Using the many

possibilities that are brainstormed, we then direct them into a

single vision.

Once the vision is in place, it is important to take a good hard

look at current reality. Where exactly are we in relation to that

which is desired? This step may be difficult, but it is crucial.

After this is done, we may begin taking actions. Some will work; some

will not. Whatever the outcome of each action, though, it will lead

to learning -- learning about what actions will work best in the

future as well as for now.

Continuing with the actions that will ultimately lead to creation

of the intended result, one passes through a series of adjustments,

evaluation, learning, and still more adjustments. As we go through

this process -- and it is a highly creative one -- momentum is built

so that actions progressively become more effective. Energy escalates

over time as cognitive learning, instinct and intuition blend.

By having the vision in place and being aware of current reality

as well as the adjustments that may be needed, progress is actually

accelerated though, initially, the place to go may just be from one

action to the next -- baby steps. The long range vision hovers in the

background as inspiration and prod.

Start up a big pot of the Creativity Stew now. With it, you are

able to find focus, momentum, energy and ultimately empowerment for

yourselves, in your lives, and for your dreams and goals.

There are tests and there are tests. To explore the mystery we

call life with grace and ease and great joy -- I once said that was

my intention. Is it still true? Even if ... ? Absolutely! And, yes,

it is sometimes difficult and often uncomfortable. The rewards are

unpredictable and uncommon, and knowing the end is nonessential in

this paradigm. It is in the process of living that we live. Life is

in the moments.

Agnes DeMille said that living is a form of not being sure, not

knowing what next or how. Never has that been clearer to me than now

as the Muse has taken me down some strange, winding paths. I may not

know what next or how, yet I trust in the Muse and in myself. That is

the path down which joy lies.

My pot of stew is still simmering on the front burner. I think

I’ll go stir it a bit.

* CHERRIL DOTY is a creative living coach, writer and artist who

lives and works in Laguna Beach. She can be reached at

[email protected] or by phone at (949) 251-3883.
