
COMMUNITY & CLUBS:No pardons for this year’s turkey

For the fifth year in a row, I deviate from the traditional Community & Clubs format to present the Turkey Awards for Newport-Mesa.

In 2002, we honored Turkey of the Year runner-ups Gray Davis — who was recalled as governor of California — and Irvine Mayor Larry Agran for the Great Park hoax, while Turkey of the Year for 2002 was City Council campaign consultant Dave Ellis.

In 2003, the Turkey of the Year runner-ups were Dennis Rodman, the Newport Beach parks and recreation commission, the Costa Mesa City Council — which developed a policy to hold the grocery stores responsible when customers steal grocery carts — Jan Vandersloot (wetlands discoverer who’s always trying to save a bird or a plant, always fighting against any development), Dick Nichols (Newport Beach Council member who said enough) and Phil Arst, the Greenlight leader. The 2003 Grand Turkey of the Year was the grocery-store striker who spent Thanksgiving 2003 on the losing end of a picket line.


In 2004, we honored the Newport Beach parks and recreation commission for its policy against honoring the living and dead by not allowing facilities to be named after an individual or group. Greenlight’s Phil Arst was on the runner-up list for the second year, along with Tom Billings for the sleazy attack on developer Stephen Sutherland and the proposed hotel development. The 2004 Turkey of the Year was Armando Ruiz, a member of the Coast Community College District Board who took advantage of a loophole for his own benefit that will cost the hard-pressed college district dollars.

In 2005, we honored Costa Mesa City Councilman Eric Bever for ego and arrogance and Greenlight’s Arst again for continuing to try to undo decisions of the duly elected City Council as co-Turkeys of the Year.

For several weeks now, the nominating committee — consisting of environmentalists, business and community leaders, clergy, elected officials, retirees, college students and all residents of the Newport-Mesa communities — have been reviewing the pages of the Daily Pilot for 2006 to find people and things to be nominated for Turkeydom.

This year’s nominees include the Irvine Co., for its Crystal Cove classic car show decision; former Newport Beach City Councilman John Heffernan, who was quoted as saying, “I didn’t realize when I was a member of the council how city employee salaries were getting out of hand”; O.C. Republican Party Chairman Scott Baugh for lobbying in Sacramento against KOCE, Orange County’s TV station; political consultant and 2002 Turkey of the Year Dave Ellis, for his “handiwork” in local elections, proving once again to be the master trickster who has significantly influenced local politics — and not necessarily for the better.

And finally, drum roll please as we announce the 2006 Turkey of the Year: recalled Santa Ana Unified School District board member Nativo Lopez, who organized and led the disruption at Costa Mesa City Council meetings to protest the proposed measure to check on the citizenship of those arrested for violent felonies.

Over the next several months, the disruption of the council meeting continued with little discussion of the issue at hand. Lopez’s actions polarized the community as he tried to organize an economic boycott of Costa Mesa businesses.

Just as Lopez’s stance on teaching Santa Ana students in Spanish was rejected by the voters when he was recalled in a special election several years ago, Costa Mesa voters rejected Lopez’s pro-illegal-immigrant stance when they returned Mayor Allan Mansoor and elected Wendy Leece to the council to continue pursuing the policy of citizenship-checking of those arrested for violent felonies.

Lopez should be thanked for organizing the one-day “immigrant stay-at-home day.” For the first time on a nonholiday weekday, folks were able to travel at the speed limit at 8 a.m. and again at 4:30 p.m. on the 405, 55 and 22 freeways.

While Lopez seeks the headlines to derail the Costa Mesa enforcement effort, other police departments in Orange County have quietly implemented the practice of checking citizenship of those arrested for violent felonies.

The fourth-annual Eagle of the Year award goes to Arches Restaurant owner Dan Marcheano and Superior Court Judge Steve Bromberg for their efforts in convincing the City of Newport Beach to sponsor the U.S. Marine Corps’ 1st Battalion of the 1st Regiment and obtaining the community involvement and support for the families of these Marines.

They have held three mess nights over the last three years and have raised more than $100,000 to support these families. May both continue to soar!


Eileen Jensen, who was sponsored by Lynn Seaholm, joined the Harbor Mesa Lions Club.


From the Thought for the Day, as provided by Greg Kelley of the Newport Mesa Irvine Interfaith Council:

“Service is the rent we pay for the privilege of living on this earth.”



How are you giving back to your community? Help your community and the world through a service club. For many, service club membership is an extension of our religious beliefs and congregation affiliation.

You are invited to attend a service club meeting this week to learn more about opportunity for service. Most clubs will buy your first meal as you get acquainted with them.


  • 7:30 a.m.: The 45-member Rotary Club of Newport Beach Sunrise meets at Five Crowns for a program by member Patricia Bintliff, who reports on the Rotary International convention; www.newportbeachsunriserotary. org.
  • Noon: The 20-member Rotary Club of Costa Mesa meets at the Costa Mesa Marriott Suites.

  • 7:30 a.m.: The 10-member Newport Harbor Kiwanis Club meets at Denny’s Restaurant at the corner of Redhill Avenue and Bristol Street.
  • Noon: The 27-member Exchange Club of the Orange Coast meets at the Child Abuse Prevention Center.
  • 6 p.m.: The 55-member Rotary Club of Newport-Balboa meets at the Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club for a program by Bob Selinger “African Rotarian with Life Time Experience”;

  • 7 a.m.: The 20-member Costa Mesa Orange Coast Lions Club meets at Mimi’s Cafe.
  • 9 a.m.: The 95-member Exchange Club of Newport Harbor meets at the Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club for a Ladies Day program with James Gilchrist, founder of the Minuteman Project; /index.htm.
  • Noon: The 50-member Costa Mesa Kiwanis Club meets at the Holiday Inn for the presentation of the Eagle Pride awards by George Cote,; the 45-member Kiwanis Club of Newport Beach-Corona del Mar meets at the Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club; the 85-member Rotary Club of Newport Irvine meets at the Radisson Hotel for a program on the city of Irvine.

  • COMMUNITY & CLUBS is published Saturdays. Send your service club’s meeting information by fax to (714) 921-8655 or by e-mail to
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