
Students see without borders

When Carol Van Asten founded the Carden Academy in Huntington Beach, she wanted her students to study the world, and that’s just what they did Wednesday.

Students got a geography lesson from a huge inflatable globe that portrays the Earth from space.

Mario Tomic of Mobile Ed Productions showed students the major geographical features of the continents and oceans.


“What really strikes me looking at the Earth is that there are no border lines,” Tomic told the students.

“Unfortunately, people are fighting all the time so borders are appearing and disappearing all the time.”

Elementary to junior high students instead pointed out major landmarks like the Andes Mountains, the Marianas Trench and the Nile.

“Books we sometimes say are dry, but when you see something like this the book information actually comes alive,” Van Asten said.

The group also learned a bit about China. A group of students leaves to study the Asian country Saturday.
