
GOP candidates to debate in O.C. forum

Former EBay chief Meg Whitman and state Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner, the two Republican candidates for governor, have so far been attacking each other on the airwaves.

But they will soon debate in person for the first time in Costa Mesa at the Orange County Performing Arts Center.

New Majority, a locally founded Republican political group, will sponsor the forum.

“The whole purpose of the debate is to educate and allow Californians, whether Republicans, Independent or Democrats, to get a first-hand look at the similarities and contrasts between the two candidates,” said Larry Higby, chairman of the New Majority California. “We are fortunate to have two excellent candidates.”


Whitman and Poizner are the only Republican candidates hoping to fill Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s seat.

One of them will likely face state Atty. Gen. Jerry Brown, who so far is unopposed in the Democratic primary.

Higby, a Newport Beach resident, said the location for the debate was selected because many of New Majority’s founding members were also on the arts center board.

“Basically, a lot of the people among the foundation members were associated with the Orange County Performing Arts Center,” he said. “We’re sort of coming back home.”

Poizner, who dubs himself as tough on crime and illegal immigration, will be participating in his fifth gubernatorial debate — but his first with Whitman, said Bettina Inclan, Poizner’s press secretary.

Poizner previously debated Tom Campbell, who has since dropped out of the race, Inclan said.

Calls to Whitman’s office were not returned Tuesday, but her general theme is to reduce state spending and run California more like a business.

Scott Baugh, chairman of the Orange County Republican Party, said having the Whitman-Poizner debate here says a lot about the power this county’s residents have in elections.

“I think it’s an acknowledgment that Orange County voters will have a significant say in who our nominee will be, and Orange County voters will be vital in making sure that nominee beats Jerry Brown in the fall,” said Baugh, who plans to attend.

The debate will be at 5:30 p.m. Monday at the Samueli Theater in the Performing Arts Center, 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. KNBC political reporter Conan Nolan will moderate.

Seating is limited.

The event will be streamed live at, and questions from the public can be submitted in advance to
