
William “Bill” Rorick

Name: William “Bill” Rorick

Age: 53

Birth place: Iowa

How long have you lived in Huntington Beach? 20 years

Occupation: Vice president - MagTek Inc.

Education: bachelor’s degree in industrial engineering from Cal Poly San Louis Obispo, MBA from Pepperdine

Previously elected or appointed positions: None

Community organizations you belong to:

National Republican Congressional Committee - Business Advisory Council

Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Assn.

The Heritage Foundation

Republican State Leadershiop Committee

What do you think are the biggest issues facing Huntington Beach right now? Re-establishing financial stability, proceeding with the senior center, and putting a stop to the high density housing projects currently proposed for the city.

What is one decision in the last year the City Council got right and why would you have supported it?


I would have supported the decision to replace the fire pits at the beach. While not a big user of these pits myself, they are part of the attraction and history of Huntington Beach, and we need to maintain our image as a great vacation destination.

What is one decision in the last year the City Council got wrong, or partially wrong, and why would you have voted differently?

I would vote against the new high density housing projects currently proposed for Beach Boulevard. This would put an increased load on our already strained infrastructure and would lower the property values and standard of living for residents of Huntington Beach. The City Council should ensure that the standard of living for Huntington Beach residents remains high before they try to increase the taxc base by adding some high density housing.
