
Communities & Clubs: Lions donate toys for the needy

On Saturday, members of the Harbor Mesa Lions were Santa’s helpers at the Westside Boys & Girls Club. Some 150 children chose their gifts for family members and themselves from donated toys and presents. Earning credits throughout the year to shop with by completing homework assignments, each child was given a large plastic bag in which to gather the toys to be wrapped. Approximately 1,100 gifts were wrapped by the Lions club members.

“This is a big day for the kids and our members,” said Harbor Mesa Lions President Jennifer Kelder. “We all get the spirit and joy of the season, plus get to see these kids be rewarded for their efforts. We also enjoy checking out the latest toys and stuffed animals as we are all kids at this time of year!”

To see more pictures of the event, check out the website,

Officers elected

The new officers for the Newport Bay Naturalists and Friends are Steve Bender, president; Jack Keating, vice president; Howard Crock, secretary; and Don Krotee. Bender is leading the group to a new website after the first day of the new year and a new name: Newport Bay Conservancy.


The goals are still the same: to preserve and restore the ecosystems of Upper Newport Bay, to educate the public about the ecological value of the bay and its watershed, and ensure compatible public use. For more information about the group, visit

Interfaith hunger walk

The October Interfaith Hunger Walk was a success, raising nearly $14,000 for local charities, including Jewish Family Services, Catholic Worker, Orange Coast Interfaith Shelter and Share Our Selves and services to feed the hungry around the world, according to Bob Johnston, Walk co-chairman.

A special acknowledgement goes to Sharon Thadeus of Harbor Christian Church, who raised $2,130! She has led all walkers in donations for the last three years. Newport-Mesa congregations participating and the amounts raised are Christ Church by the Sea, $799; Fairview Community Church, $770; Harbor Christian Church, $2,130; Our Lady Queen of Angels, $587; St. Joachim Catholic Church, $805; St. Mark Presbyterian Church, $2,250, and Temple Bat Yahm, $1,438.

Congregations, service clubs and youth groups are asked to mark their calendar for next year’s Interfaith Hunger walk, scheduled for Sunday, Oct. 16. It is a fun walk along the Back Bay for either 2K or 5K. You can walk with your friend and make new friends while taking a stand to end hunger around the world. For more information, contact Bob Johnston at (949) 644-4949.n

Season’s greetings

From the de Boom family to yours, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Thought for the day

We could learn a lot from crayons...

“Some are sharp, some are pretty and some are dull. Some have weird names, and all are different colors, but they all have to live in the same box.” — Unknown author


You are invited to attend a service club meeting this coming week to learn more about opportunities for service. Most clubs will buy your first meal for you as you get acquainted with them.


Noon: The Exchange Club of Corona del Mar meets at the Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club, 1601 Bayside Drive, Corona del Mar.

5:15 p.m.: The 10-member Rotary Club of Costa Mesa meets at the Ramada Inn & Suites, 1680 Superior Ave., Costa Mesa. Visit

COMMUNITY & CLUBS is published Wednesdays. Send your service club’s meeting information by fax to (714) 921-8655 or by e-mail to
